

How can you support?

During 2010 animal monitoring experts of our team (AMC) developed an improved bat monitoring scheme for Estonia. This scheme includes habitat based counts, in which all six important habitat types of bats known in Estonia are covered. As a result, the requirements of EU Habitat Directive could be met if this scheme was approved by Estonian government, and if its works were funded since early 2011.

Since April 2010 the elements of this scheme were discussed among the interested people, including via electronic list for Estonia's bat enthusiasts ( By November 2010 a detailed scheme was ready and was proposed for confirmation to Estonia's authorities. 

Unfortunately, time passed but no appropriate response was received from the government. In this situation animal monitoring experts addressed the Council of NEMP (Seirenõukogu) describing the situation and asking their support. Time passed again, but no appropriate action was carried out by this council as well.

By the end of February 2011 it became clear that there will be no funds from the government to cover the costs of bat monitoring work planned to carry out at selected bat hibernation sites during February and early March 2011. In this situation bat experts carried out some of these counts using loaned money, and notified about this work the above-mentioned council as well as Estonia's audience via electronic media. Thus far there has been no response. Nor have there been any funds for this efficient bat monitoring work.

In such a peculiar situation our team of skillful bat experts is looking for monetary support to carry out bat monitoring work as planned, and to cover the expenses already made during the work.

The following bat monitoring work has been planned to carry out in 2011.
1. Bat counts carried out at 42 selected bat monitoring sites in Estonia.
2. Species identification based on sound.  
3. Gathering and analysing the counting data.  
4. Compiling a written report including text, tables and figures.

Total cost of this work is 19,858 EUR.

We accept and are thankful for any amount to cover the expenses of our animal monitoring work. 

Bank transfer to support our work can be made via internet. For this please kindly contact Matti Masing.

Great thanks for your support!

Matti Masing,
expert of European boreal fauna since 1987 

Animal Monitoring Centre (AMC)
Sicista Development Centre (Sicista DC)